Test procedures for predefined roles

This document defines a procedure for testing that the predefined roles can perform their work as intended. The main purpose is to weed out permission problems resulting from:

The test procedure also tests that the basic functionality is working:

  1. Summary of the test procedure
  2. Root user tests
  3. Administrator tests
  4. Power user tests
  5. User tests
  6. Analysis tests

Last updated: $Date: 2021-06-11 12:51:05 +0200 (Fri, 11 Jun 2021) $

1. Summary of the test procedure

Here is a summary of the test procedure:

  1. Always start with a fresh installation.
  2. The root user creates an administrator.
  3. The administrator creates more users and some global resources:
  4. The power user creates item related to the project management:
  5. The user creates items related to an actual experiment:
  6. Both the user and the guest then do some analysis:

These tests can also be run in automated mode by test programs. This will of course not test the web client, but are useful if one quickly needs to do parts of the test and then continue with, for example, the user or analysis tests on the web.

The data files needed by the tests are NOT included in the subversion repository. The main reason is that they are too large, and that we don't have permission to make them publicly available for download. To get the test file you need to be a core developer. Read the instructions on the DeveloperInformation page, Test data section on the BASE web site. The automated test programs require that file are placed (checked out) in the 'testdata' directory located in the BASE root directory. NOTE! Some test data files are bzip-compressed. Use the automatic unpacking that is built-in to BASE when uploading.

To run the tests do the following:

  1. Compile the core and the test programs: ant main test.
  2. Change to the build/test/ directory.
  3. Run test programs: ./test.sh roles [OPTION] <cmds> where <cmds> is one or more of the following: and OPTION can be none or more of:

2. Root user tests

The root user creates an administrator which is a server-wide admin.

  1. Create a new user and set the following properties. All other properties may remain unchanged.
    Name Login/Password Quota Quota group Membership
    Admin admin/admin Unlimited - Roles: Administrator

3. Administrator tests

The administrator creates users for a project and gives them permissions that are suitable for their role in the project. The administrator also sets up quota and group membership.

  1. Create a new group and set the following properties:
    Name Quota
    Group A 1GB

  2. Create the following users:
    Name Login/Password Quota Quota group Membership Other
    Power user power/power 1GB Group A Roles: Power user -
    User user/user 1GB Group A Roles: User -
    Guest guest/guest 10MB Group A Roles: Guest Multi-user account checked

  3. Give USE permission for the listed users to the following plugins:
    User Plugins
    Power user
    • Plate importer
    • Reporter map importer
    • Print map importer
    • GTF reporter map importer
    • Array design importer
    • Array batch importer
    • Array slide importer

  4. Create file formats (i.e., plug-in configurations) for importing reporters. The formats marked as optional are not used in the test procedure, but may be useful to weed out import problems, since they allow importing all info from the raw data files. You may either enter the regular expressions as specified or use the "Test with file" feature.
    Name Plugin Configuration values
    Reporters for project A Reporter importer
    File mouse/
    Data header 384_number\t384_column\t384_row\t384_position\toligo_id.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 5
    Name \oligo_id\
    External ID \oligo_id\
    Description \description_Ensembl*\
    Gene symbol \gene_symbol_Ensembl*\
    Sequence \oligo_sequence\
    GenePix reporter importer
    Reporter importer
    File mouse/
    Data header "Block"\t"Column"\t"Row"\t"Name"\t"ID"\t.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 48
    Max data columns 48
    Name \Name\
    External ID \ID\
    Reporters from Affymetrix annotations file Reporter importer
    File affymetrix/annotations/
    Data header "Probe Set ID","GeneChip Array".*
    Data splitter (?!"),(?=")
    Name \Probe Set ID\
    External ID \Probe Set ID\
    Description \Target Description\
    Gene symbol \Gene Symbol\
    Reporters from GTF file GTF Reporter importer
    File sequencing/
    Data header <seqname>\t.*<transcript_id>.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 4
    Remove quotes yes
    Complex mappings allow
    Name \<transcript_id>\@\<seqname>\
    External ID \<transcript_id>\@\<seqname>\
    Gene symbol \<gene_id>\
    Chromosome \<seqname>\

  5. Import reporters:
    1. Go to the View -> Reporters page.
    2. Click on the Import button.
    3. Choose auto-detect and then upload the file plates_and_reporters.mouse.v4.37k.txt.
    4. The Reporters for project A format should be found.
    5. Select the skip option for the "Missing a required" value since the file contains rows with empty reporter ID:s.
    6. Continue and wait for the import to finish. It should create 35,912 new reporters.
    7. Repeat the procedure with the MG_U74Av2_annot.csv file. This time also select crop for the "String too long" setting since the file contains data that is too large for the datbase. 12,488 new reporters should be created.
    8. Repeat the procedure with the UCSC_Human_hg19_RefSeqGenes.gtf file. The default error handling options can be used. This time 38,977 new reporters should be created.

4. Power user tests

The power user is the typical owner/administrator of a project. The power user sets up common resources used in the project, such as hardware, software, protocols, file formats and annotation types. In this case the power user is also responsible for managing the LIMS.

  1. Create a project:
    Name Members
    Project A Groups: Group A (Use permission)

  2. Activate the project.

  3. Create annotation types [A] and protocol parameters [P]:
    Name Type Unit Interface Values Item types
    Drug resistance [A] String - radiobuttons high, medium, low Biosource
    Time [A] Integer Hour text box - Sample
    RIN [A] Float - text box - Extract
    Dye swap [A] Boolean - - - Raw bioassay
    PMT gain [P] Float Volt (Electric potential) - - Derived bioassay

  4. Create item subtypes:
    Name Item type Push annotations to parent
    Quality control Extract Yes

  5. Create protocols (keep the 'Add as project default' option checked and the 'Replace existing default' unchecked):
    Name Type Comment
    Sampling A Sampling
    Extraction A Extraction
    Labeling A Labeling
    Library preparation A Library preparation
    Hybridization A Hybridization
    cBot Settings A Cluster generation
    Scanning A Scanning Select 'PMT gain' as a protocol parameter.
    HiSeq Settings A Sequencing
    TopHat Settings A Alignment
    Feature extraction A Feature extraction
    Cufflinks Settings A Feature extraction
    Printing A Printing

  6. Create hardware (keep the 'Add as project default' option checked and the 'Replace existing default' unchecked):
    Name Type
    Hybridization station A Hybridization station
    cBot A Cluster generator
    HiSeq 2000 A Sequencer
    Scanner A Scanner
    Print robot A Print robot

  7. Create software (keep the 'Add as project default' option checked and the 'Replace existing default' unchecked):
    Name Type
    Software A Feature extraction

  8. Create a reporter clone template:
    Name Properties
    Template A External ID, ID, Version, Sequence, Gene symbol

  9. Create bioplate type:
    Name Biomaterial type Well lock mode
    Bioplate type A Any Unlocked

  10. Create file formats (i.e., plug-in configurations). The formats marked as optional are not used in the test procedure, but may be useful to weed out import problems, since they allow importing all info from the raw data files. You may either enter the regular expressions as specified or use the "Test with file" feature.
    Name Plugin Configuration values
    Plates for project A Plate importer
    File mouse/
    Data header 384_number\t384_column\t384_row\t384_position\toligo_id.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 5
    Plate number/name \384_number\
    Row \384_row\
    Column \384_column\
    Reporter ID \oligo_id\
    GenePix feature importer
    Reporter map importer
    File mouse/
    Data header "Block"\t"Column"\t"Row"\t"Name"\t"ID"\t.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 48
    Max data columns 48
    Reporter ID \ID\
    Block \Block\
    Column \Column\
    Row \Row\
    GTF features for project A GTF reporter map importer
    File sequencing/
    Data header <seqname>\t.*<transcript_id>.*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 4
    Remove quotes yes
    Complex mappings allow
    Reporter ID \<transcript_id>\@\<seqname>\
    Feature ID \<transcript_id>\@\<seqname>\
    Raw data for project A Raw data importer
    File mouse/
    Raw data type Genepix
    Header "(.+)=(.*)"
    Data header "Block"\t"Column"\t"Row"\t"Name"\t"ID"\t.*"Ratio of Medians \(532\/635\)".*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 48
    Max data columns 48
    Block \Block\
    Column \Column\
    Row \Row\
    X \X\
    Y \Y\
    Reporter ID \ID\
    Spot diameter \Dia.\
    Channel 1 foreground median \F635 Median\
    Channel 1 foreground mean \F635 Mean\
    Channel 1 foreground standard deviation \F635 SD\
    Channel 1 background median \B635 Median\
    Channel 1 background mean \B635 Mean\
    Channel 1 background standard deviation \B635 SD\
    Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B635+1SD\
    Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B635+2SD\
    Percent saturated pixels \F635 % Sat.\
    Channel 2 foreground median \F532 Median\
    Channel 2 foreground mean \F532 Mean\
    Channel 2 foreground standard deviation \F532 SD\
    Channel 2 background median \B532 Median\
    Channel 2 background mean \B532 Mean\
    Channel 2 background standard deviation \B532 SD\
    Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B532+1SD\
    Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B532+2SD\
    Percent saturated pixels \F532 % Sat.\
    Foreground pixels \F Pixels\
    Background pixels \B Pixels\
    Flags \Flags\
    Raw data for project A (dye-swap) Raw data importer
    File mouse/
    Raw data type Genepix
    Header "(.+)=(.*)"
    Data header "Block"\t"Column"\t"Row"\t"Name"\t"ID"\t.*"Ratio of Medians \(635\/532\)".*
    Data splitter \t
    Min data columns 48
    Max data columns 48
    Block \Block\
    Column \Column\
    Row \Row\
    X \X\
    Y \Y\
    Reporter ID \ID\
    Spot diameter \Dia.\
    Channel 1 foreground median \F532 Median\
    Channel 1 foreground mean \F532 Mean\
    Channel 1 foreground standard deviation \F532 SD\
    Channel 1 background median \B532 Median\
    Channel 1 background mean \B532 Mean\
    Channel 1 background standard deviation \B532 SD\
    Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B532+1SD\
    Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B532+2SD\
    Percent saturated pixels \F532 % Sat.\
    Channel 2 foreground median \F635 Median\
    Channel 2 foreground mean \F635 Mean\
    Channel 2 foreground standard deviation \F635 SD\
    Channel 2 background median \B635 Median\
    Channel 2 background mean \B635 Mean\
    Channel 2 background standard deviation \B635 SD\
    Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B635+1SD\
    Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B635+2SD\
    Percent saturated pixels \F635 % Sat.\
    Foreground pixels \F Pixels\
    Background pixels \B Pixels\
    Flags \Flags\

  11. Annotate the file formats:
    File format Annotation Value
    Raw data for project A Dye swap false
    Raw data for project A (dye swap) Dye swap true
    This will make the raw data importer automatically annotate the raw bioassays with the specified annotations.

  12. Create plate type:
    Name Geometry
    Plate type A 384-well (16 x 24)

  13. Import plates:
    1. Go to the Array LIMS -> Plates page.
    2. Click on the Import button.
    3. Choose auto-detect and select the file plates_and_reporters.mouse.v4.37k.txt.
    4. The Plates for project A format should be found.
    5. Specify the following parameters:
      Plate type Plate type A
      Plate name prefix Plate A
      Plate name padding 4
    6. Continue and wait for the import to finish. It should create 96 plates.

  14. Create array designs and upload data files to them. Keep the 'Set as project default' option checked if doing this manually.
    Name Platform/Variant File(s)
    Array design A Generic Print map: mouse/printmap.mouse.v4.37k.tam
    Affymetrix A Affymetrix CDF file: affymtrix/cdf/MG_U74Av2.cdf
    RefSeqDesign A Sequencing/Expression-like GTF ref-seq file: sequencing/UCSC_Human_hg19_RefSeqGenes.gtf


    Import array designs with the ArrayDesignImporter plug-in.

    1. Make sure the data-files, mentioned in table above, are located in /home/power/, upload them if not
    2. Click on the Import button on the array design list page.
    3. Choose ArrayDesignImporter in the plug-in drop-down list.
    4. Test with file: arraydesign_out.txt and set the parsing parameters with help of the Auto generate button on the Column mapping tab.
    5. Start the import-job by clicking on the Finish button on the third wizard-page.

  15. Connect Array design A with plates. Select the imported plates (plate names starting with Plate A) and sort them in the correct order (as indicated by their names).

  16. Import features to Array design A:
    1. Click on the Import button when viewing properties for the array design.
    2. Choose auto-detect and use the file printmap.mouse.v4.37k.tam.
    3. The Print map importer plug-in should be found.
    4. Continue and wait for the import to finish. It should create 36,864 features and 48 blocks.

    Import features to RefSeqDesign A:

    1. Click on the Import button when viewing properties for the array design.
    2. Choose auto-detect and use the file UCSC_Human_hg19_RefSeqGenes.gtf.
    3. The GTF reporter map importer plug-in should be found. Select the GTF features for project A format.
    4. Continue and wait for the import to finish. It should create 38,977 features and 1 block.

  17. Set project defaults. Go to the projects page and edit the Project A project. On the Defaults tab, set the following defaults. NOTE! Most of the items in this list should already be registered as default items if the 'Add as project default' option was used when creating the new items.
    Setting Value(s)
    Raw data type Genepix
    Platforms Generic
    Platforms variants Sequencing / Expression-like
    Array designs Array design A
    Affymetrix A
    RefSeqDesign A
    Protocols Sampling A
    Extraction A
    Labeling A
    Library preparation A
    Hybridization A
    cBot Settings A
    Scanning A
    HiSeq Settings A
    TopHat Settings A
    Feature extraction A
    Cufflinks Settings A
    Printing A
    Hardware Hybridization station A
    cBot A
    HiSeq 2000 A
    Scanner A
    Print robot A
    Software Software A

  18. Create array batches:
    Name Array design Print robot Protocol
    Array batch A Array design A Print robot A Printing A
    Affymetrix batch A Affymetrix A


    Import array batches with the ArrayBatchImporter plug-in.

    1. Click on the Import button on the array batch list page.
    2. Select ArrayBatchImporter in the plug-in drop-down list and click Next
    3. Test with file: arraybatch_out.txt and set the parsing parameters with help of the Auto generate button on the Column mapping tab.
    4. Start the import-job by clicking on the Finish button on the third wizzard-page.

  19. Create array slides with the Create slides wizard.
    Name Array batch Quantity
    Array slide A. Array batch A 4
    Affymetrix slide A. Affymetrix batch A 3


    Import array slides with the ArraySlideImporter plug-in.

    1. Click on the Import button on the array slide list page.
    2. Select ArraySlideImporter in the plug-in drop-down list and click Next
    3. Test with file: arrayslide_out.txt and set the parsing parameters with help of the Auto generate button on the Column mapping tab.
    4. Start the import-job by clicking on the Finish button on the third wizzard-page.

5. User tests

The user is a typical worker in the project. The user does the actual experimentation in the lab, which includes collecting samples, doing extraction, labeling and hybridizations. The user also scans and analyses the raw data resulting from the images. Inserting items can be done in two different ways, .

First step

  1. Activate the Project A project.

  2. Create a bioplate:
    Name Plate geometry Bioplate type
    Bioplate A 96-well (8 x 12) BioPlate type A

  3. Continue with the second step, which can be done with batch importers or manually.

Second step (using batch importers)

  1. Click on the Import button on the list page.
  2. Select <itemtype>Importer in the plug-in drop-down list and click Next
  3. Test with file: using the right file(listed below) and set the parsing parameters by using the Auto generate button on the Column mapping tab.
    Itemtype File
    Biosource biosource_out.txt
    Samples sample_out.txt
    Extracts (including labeled extracts and libraries) extract_out.txt
    Physical bioassays (hybridizations, flow cells) physicalbioassay_out.txt
    Derived bioassays (scans, assemblys) derivedbioassay_out.txt
    Raw bioassays rawbioassay_out.txt
    The files listed for biosource, samples, extracts, and derived bioassays also contain annotations for the items and these files should also be used with the annotation importer. The procedure is the same as for batch importers except that only \Name\ is needed in the column mapping. The annotation column should be selected by default in the second wizard-step.
  4. Start the import-job by clicking on the Finish button on the third wizard-page.
  5. Continue with the third step.

Second step (create items manually)

  1. Create a biosource:
    Name Annotations
    Biosource A
    Drug resistance: medium

  2. Create samples:
    Name Protocol Biosource Bioplate [well] Annotations
    Sample A.00h Sampling A Biosource A Bioplate A [A1]
    Time: 0h
    Sample A.24h Sampling A Biosource A Bioplate A [A2]
    Time: 24h
    Sample A.ref Sampling A - Bioplate A [A3] -

  3. Create extracts:
    Name Type Protocol Parent Bioplate [well] Annotations
    Extract A.00h - Extraction A Sample A.00h Bioplate A [B1] -
    Extract A.24h - Extraction A Sample A.24h Bioplate A [B2] -
    Extract A.ref - Extraction A Sample A.ref Bioplate A [B3] -
    Extract A.00h.qc Quality control - Extract A.00h -
    RIN: 8.1
    Extract A.24h.qc Quality control - Extract A.24h -
    RIN: 8.5
    Extract A.ref.qc Quality control - Extract A.ref -
    RIN: 9.2

  4. Create labeled extracts and libraries:
    Name Type Label Protocol Extract Bioplate [well]
    Labeled extract A.00h Labeled extract cy3 Labeling A Extract A.00h Bioplate A [C1]
    Labeled extract A.24h Labeled extract cy3 Labeling A Extract A.24h Bioplate A [C2]
    Labeled extract A.ref Labeled extract cy5 Labeling A Extract A.ref Bioplate A [C3]
    Labeled extract A.00h (dye-swap) Labeled extract cy5 Labeling A Extract A.00h Bioplate A [D1]
    Labeled extract A.24h (dye-swap) Labeled extract cy5 Labeling A Extract A.24h Bioplate A [D2]
    Labeled extract A.ref (dye-swap) Labeled extract cy3 Labeling A Extract A.ref Bioplate A [D3]
    Library A.00h Library - Library preparation A Extract A.00h Bioplate A [E1]
    Library A.24h Library - Library preparation A Extract A.24h Bioplate A [E2]

  5. Create physical bioassays (hybridizations and flow cells):
    Name Protocol Hardware Array slide Extracts (position)
    Hybridization A.00h Hybridization A Hybridization station A Array slide A.1 Labeled extract A.00h,
    Labeled extract A.ref
    Hybridization A.24h Hybridization A Hybridization station A Array slide A.2 Labeled extract A.24h,
    Labeled extract A.ref
    Hybridization A.00h (dye-swap) Hybridization A Hybridization station A Array slide A.3 Labeled extract A.00h (dye-swap),
    Labeled extract A.ref (dye-swap)
    Hybridization A.24h (dye-swap) Hybridization A Hybridization station A Array slide A.4 Labeled extract A.24h (dye-swap),
    Labeled extract A.ref (dye-swap)
    Affymetrix hyb A.1 Hybridization A Hybridization station A Affymetrix slide A.1 Labeled extract A.00h
    Affymetrix hyb A.2 Hybridization A Hybridization station A Affymetrix slide A.2 Labeled extract A.24h
    Affymetrix hyb A.3 Hybridization A Hybridization station A Affymetrix slide A.3 Labeled extract A.ref
    Flow cell A cBot Settings A cBot A - Library A.00h (1),
    Library A.24h (2)

  6. Create derived bioassays (scans, arrangements, etc.):
    Name Parent bioasasay Parent extract Hardware/Software Protocol PMT gain
    Scan A.00h Hybridization A.00h - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 400 V
    Scan A.24h Hybridization A.24h - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 500 V
    Scan A.00h (dye-swap) Hybridization A.00h (dye-swap) - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 600 V
    Scan A.24h (dye-swap) Hybridization A.24h (dye-swap) - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 700 V
    Affymetrix scan A.1 Affymetrix hyb A.1 - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 800 V
    Affymetrix scan A.2 Affymetrix hyb A.2 - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 900 V
    Affymetrix scan A.3 Affymetrix hyb A.3 - HW: Scanner A Scanning A 1000 V
    Sequenced A Flow cell A - HW: HiSeq 2000 A HiSeq Settings A -
    Arrangement A.00h Sequenced A Library A.00h SW: TopHat TopHat Settings A -
    Arrangement A.24h Sequenced A Library A.24h SW: TopHat TopHat Settings A -

  7. Create raw bioassays:
    Name Platform/Raw data type Parent bioassay Parent extract Array design Protocol Software File(s)
    Raw bioassay A.00h Generic/GenePix Scan A.00h - Array design A Feature extraction A Software A Raw data: mouse/genepix.mouse.v4.37k.00h.gpr
    Raw bioassay A.24h Generic/GenePix Scan A.24h - Array design A Feature extraction A Software A Raw data: mouse/genepix.mouse.v4.37k.24h.gpr
    Raw bioassay A.00h (dye-swap) Generic/GenePix Scan A.00h (dye-swap) - Array design A Feature extraction A Software A Raw data: mouse/genepix.mouse.v4.37k.00h.dyeswap.gpr
    Raw bioassay A.24h (dye-swap) Generic/GenePix Scan A.24h (dye-swap) - Array design A Feature extraction A Software A Raw data: mouse/genepix.mouse.v4.37k.24h.dyeswap.gpr
    Affymetrix raw A.1 Affymetrix Affymetrix scan A.1 - Affymetrix A Feature extraction A Software A CEL file: affymetrix/E-TEST-1.ebi.ac.uk/jos1761.cel
    Affymetrix raw A.2 Affymetrix Affymetrix scan A.2 - Affymetrix A Feature extraction A Software A CEL file: affymetrix/E-TEST-1.ebi.ac.uk/jos1762.cel
    Affymetrix raw A.3 Affymetrix Affymetrix scan A.3 - Affymetrix A Feature extraction A Software A CEL file: affymetrix/E-TEST-1.ebi.ac.uk/jos1763.cel
    SeqRaw A.00h Sequencing/Expression-like/Cufflinks Arrangement A.00h Library A.00h RefSeqDesign A Cufflinks Settings A Cufflinks FPKM tracking file: sequencing/dataset1_norm1/isoforms.fpkm_tracking
    SeqRaw A.24h Sequencing/Expression-like/Cufflinks Arrangement A.24h Library A.24h RefSeqDesign A Cufflinks Settings A Cufflinks FPKM tracking file: sequencing/dataset2_norm1/isoforms.fpkm_tracking

Third step

  1. Create experiments:
    Name Raw data type Raw bioassays Experimental factors
    Experiment A GenePix Raw bioassay A.00h,
    Raw bioassay A.24h,
    Raw bioassay A.00h (dye-swap),
    Raw bioassay A.24h (dye-swap)
    Drug resistance, Time, RIN, Dye swap, PMT gain
    Affymetrix A Affymetrix Affymetrix raw A.1,
    Affymetrix raw A.2,
    Affymetrix raw A.3
    Drug resistance, Time, RIN, PMT gain
    Sequence A Cufflinks SeqRaw A.00h,
    SeqRaw A.24h
    Drug resistance, Time, RIN

  2. Import raw data to the Genepix and Cufflinks raw bioassays. There are two possible ways to do this:
    1. Manually import to each raw bioassay.
    2. Batch import to multiple raw bioassays.

    Manual import: Go to the properties tab for each raw bioassay. Click on the Import button and use the auto-detect feature to import the raw data. Use the default configuration values except for those listed in the table below.

    Batch import: The batch import is started from the properties tab of the experiment. Click on "Import" and use the auto-detect feature with one of the files from the raw bioassays. Use the default configuration values except for those listed in the table below. The batch import should import two raw data sets in one go (since it can only work with a single file format at a time and the dye-swap files uses a different file format). Repeat the batch import a second time to import the remaining two raw data sets.

    Parameter Value Mode
    Feature mismatch smart both
    Invalid numeric value null both
    Log file ~/import.log batch import

    In both cases, the import should produce the same results as in the table below. When using the batch import mode, the detailed information for each raw bioassay is only found in the log file.

    Raw bioassay Raw data file Spots inserted/with null reporter/skipped) Annotations created
    Raw bioassay A.00h genepix.mouse.v4.37k.00h.gpr 36,864/632/768 Dye swap: false
    Raw bioassay A.24h genepix.mouse.v4.37k.24h.gpr 36,864/632/768 Dye swap: false
    Raw bioassay A.00h (dye-swap) genepix.mouse.v4.37k.00h.dyeswap.gpr 36,864/632/768 Dye swap: true
    Raw bioassay A.24h (dye-swap) genepix.mouse.v4.37k.24h.dyeswap.gpr 36,864/632/768 Dye swap: true
    SeqRaw A.00h dataset1_norm1/isoforms.fpkm_tracking 38,293/0/0 -
    SeqRaw A.24h dataset2_norm1/isoforms.fpkm_tracking 38,293/0/0 -

  3. Inherit the annotations from the scans, extracts, samples and biosource for each root raw bioassay. Use the auto-inherit function that exists on the experiment properties tab. Make sure that all experimental factors are selected by the check boxes, then click on the Auto-inherit link in the column header. Use the Inherit option for some annotations and Clone option for some. Uncheck the No duplicates option for the RIN annotation (see note 2 below).
    Note! The Affymetrix raw A.3 data set is missing biomaterial parents with annotations.
    Note 2! In Experiment A there are duplicate values for the RIN annotations. Verify and fix this by manually removing the annotations that are inherited from the Extract A.ref.qc extract (value=9.2).

  4. Check the experiment overview page and use the Validate function for each of the three experiments.

    For the Experiment A experiment, it should display several warnings about missing kits and one warning about a missing biosurce on the reference sample.

    The Affymetrix A experiment gives some more warnings. Most of them are related to not using the project default items, missing protocols and missing hardware. There should also be an error about missing experimental factor values for the Affymetrix.3 raw bioassay. It is expected since this comes from the reference sample which doesn't have values for those annotations. The warnings about the number of spots mismatch is expected since the array design count probesets, while the raw bioassays count probes.

    The Sequence A experiment also has some missing items, and a different raw data type for the experiment and raw bioassays.

    Change validation options to reduce the number of warnings:

    Validation option Setting
    Project defaults Set all to Ignore
    Missing items Set all to Ignore
    Annotations - Missing factor value Warning
    Other - Raw spots <> features Ignore
    After the changes there should now only be two warnings about the missing factor values for the Affymetrix experiment and no warnings at all for the other experiments.

6. Analysis tests

Now it is time to analyse the data. The analysis test should be done by both a regular user and a guest.

  1. Activate the Project A project

  2. Go to the Experiment A experiment.

  3. Clone the reporters:
    Clone template Clone source
    Template A Raw data
    Click on "Next" and wait for the plug-in to finish. It should report that 35,912 reporters has been cloned.

  4. Switch to the "Bioassay sets" tab. Create a new root bioassay set:
    Bioassay set name Raw bioassays Formula
    Root bioassay set all Mean FG - Mean BG
    Wait for the plug-in to finish.

  5. Select the created bioassay set and create a filtered bioassayset:
    Child name Filter preset Expression
    Filtered bioassay set - ch(1) > 0 && ch(2) > 0 && rep('id') != null
    Wait for the plug-in to finish. It should report that 136,498 spots remain and that 10,958 spots has been removed.

  6. Select the filtered bioassay set and run a normalization plug-in:
    Plugin Parameters
    Normalization: Lowess Accept the default parameters.
    Wait for the plug in to finish. It should report that 136,498 spots has been normalized and 0 spots has been removed.

  7. Select the normalized bioassay set and check the MA plots and the correction factor plots. Here are four examples:
    MA plots Correction factor plots

  8. Try the plot tool with the following plots. Use the Save function to save one them as a file in the BASE file system, and the Download function to download a plot to your computer.
    Plot type Y-axis preset X-axis preset Other options
    Scatter plot M, log2(ch1 / ch2) A, log10(ch1 * ch2) / 2 -
    Histogram plot Count Ratio, ch1 / ch2
    Log scale checked
    Bin size 0.1
    Annotation Time

    Here are two examples:

    Scatter plot

    Histogram plot