Class HttpConnectionManagerActionFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpConnectionManagerActionFactory extends Object implements ActionFactory<ConnectionManagerFactory>
Action factory for http connection manager factory. This factory will create a singleton instance of HttpConnectionManagerFactory upon the first use. This instance will be used for all further uses of this extension.
Last modified
$Date: 2015-04-20 11:08:18 +0200 (må, 20 apr 2015) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HttpConnectionManagerActionFactory

      public HttpConnectionManagerActionFactory()
  • Method Details

    • prepareContext

      public boolean prepareContext(InvokationContext<? super ConnectionManagerFactory> context)
      Description copied from interface: ActionFactory
      This method is called once for each request/use of an extension and have two purposes:
      • The factory should decide if the extension should be enabled or not. For example, the factory may check the permissions of the logged in user and determine that they are inadequate. The boolean return value determines if the extension is enabled or disabled.
      • Initialise the context with resources that the actions may need. With the BASE web-client this means that it is possible to add scripts or stylesheets that is needed by the extension. See JspContext.
      Specified by:
      prepareContext in interface ActionFactory<ConnectionManagerFactory>
      context - The current invokation context
      TRUE if the extension should be enabled, FALSE if the extension should be disabled
    • getActions

      Description copied from interface: ActionFactory
      This method may be called one or several times for each request. This is decided by the extension point. If, for example, the extension point is a pure single-item extension point then this method is probably only called once. If the extension point is a per-item extension point in a list context, then this method may be called once for every item in the list. The context parameter contains all information about the context of the extension point, including the current item, if any.
      Specified by:
      getActions in interface ActionFactory<ConnectionManagerFactory>
      context - The current invokation context
      An array of actions that should be added to the extension point. Returns null or an empty array if there are no actions in the current context.
    • initFactory

      private void initFactory(InvokationContext<? super ConnectionManagerFactory> context)