Class Fix


public class Fix extends Object
Holds information about a suggested fix to a failure.
See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2015-08-21 14:32:11 +0200 (fr, 21 aug 2015) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Fix

      public Fix(String message, BasicItem item)
      Create a new suggested fix for an item.
      message - A message explaining what needs to be fixed
      item - The item that needs to be edited by this fix
    • Fix

      public Fix(String message, BasicItem item, AnnotationType annotationType, boolean fromInherited)
      Create a new suggested fix for the annotation of an item.
      message - A message explaining what needs to be fixed
      item - The item that needs to be edited by this fix
      annotationType - The annotation that needs to be edited by this fix or null if the fix doesn't include annotations
      fromInherited - TRUE if the annotation is an inherited annotation or FALSE if it is a primary annotation
    • Fix

      public Fix(String message, BasicItem item, Annotation annotation)
      Create a new suggested fix for the annotation of an item.
      message - A message explaining what needs to be fixed
      item - The item that needs to be edited by this fix
      annotation - The annotation that needs to be edited by this fix
    • Fix

      public Fix(String message, BasicItem item, FileSetMember member)
    • Fix

      public Fix(String message, BasicItem item, DataFileType fileType)
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Get a message explaining what needs to be fixed.
    • getItem

      public BasicItem getItem()
      Get the item that needs to be edited for this fix.
    • getAnnotationType

      public AnnotationType getAnnotationType()
      Get the annotation type of the annotation that needs to be edited for this fix.
      An annotation type or null if this is not a fix for annotations
    • getAnnotation

      public Annotation getAnnotation()
      Get the annotation that needs to be edited for this fix.
      An annotation or null if this is not a fix for annotations
    • isAnnotationFix

      public boolean isAnnotationFix()
      If this fix involves editing an annotation or not.
      See Also:
    • isFromInherited

      public boolean isFromInherited()
      If this fix involves editing an inherited annotation or a primary annotation.
      See Also:
    • getFileSetMember

      public FileSetMember getFileSetMember()
    • getDataFileType

      public DataFileType getDataFileType()
    • isDataFileFix

      public boolean isDataFileFix()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object