Interface ObjectKey<O>

Type Parameters:
O - The type of object that the key references
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExtensionKey, ExtensionPointKey, FactoryParametersKey, PluginInfoKey, ServletWrapperKey

public interface ObjectKey<O>
Instances of object keys should be something that uniquely identifies an object that has been defined by an extension. Object keys are mainly used to lookup in which file a certain object has been defined (see ExtensionsManager.getFileByObjectKey(ObjectKey)) and/or to get information about the object itself (see ExtensionsFile.getObjectForKey(ObjectKey))

It is up to the actual implementations to decide what actually makes up a key that can be used to identify an object. Implementors of this interface should implement equals() and hashCode() methods to only match with it's own class. Implementations should be immutable.

See Also:
Last modified
$Date: 2011-04-14 09:45:23 +0200 (to, 14 apr 2011) $
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get a string description of the key that is suitable for use in (error) messages to users.
  • Method Details

    • toDescription

      String toDescription()
      Get a string description of the key that is suitable for use in (error) messages to users.