Class ClassMapErrorHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassMapErrorHandler extends Object implements ErrorHandler
Error handler that allows the registration of one or more error handler for subclasses to Throwable.

Use the addErrorHandler(Class, ErrorHandler) to register error handlers for specific exceptions. When the handleError(Throwable) is invoked it checks the class of the throwable and looks for error handlers for that class. If it can't find an error handler it will check the superclass and so on. If no error handler is found the orginal error is re-thrown.

Last modified
$Date: 2015-04-20 11:08:18 +0200 (må, 20 apr 2015) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ClassMapErrorHandler

      public ClassMapErrorHandler(ErrorHandler defaultErrorHandler)
      Create a new ClassMapErrorHandler.
      defaultErrorHandler - The default error handler to use if no other error handler is found, if null the error is re-thrown
  • Method Details

    • addErrorHandler

      public void addErrorHandler(Class<? extends Throwable> t, ErrorHandler handler)
      Add an error handler for throwable:s of a specific class. The error handler will also handle errors of all subclasses unless a specific error handler exists for that subclass.
      t - The class of throwable:s the error handler should handle
      handler - The error handler
    • handleError

      public boolean handleError(Throwable t) throws Throwable
      Description copied from interface: ErrorHandler
      Handle an error. If it is decided that the error is a final error this method should rethrow the same or a different exception. If if is decided that it is possible to continue with the current operation true should be returned. If false is returned it indicates that this error handled doesn't know how to handle the error. The caller should try another error handler or throw an exception.
      Specified by:
      handleError in interface ErrorHandler
      t - The error to handle
      TRUE if the error was handled successfully and the execution should continue with the next item
      Throwable - If the error is final and can't be solved