Preliminary list of features

This is the list of features we would like to see in the core of BASE 2, as seen somewhat from a user's perspective. There will be a separate document describing the more technical aspects of these features, and yet another document detailing features that do not need to go into the core.

Created by: Carl
Contributions by: Nicklas, Johan
Last updated: $Date: 2009-04-06 14:52:39 +0200 (må, 06 apr 2009) $

  1. User system
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Item class
  4. Annotation system
  5. Protocols
  6. Uploads
  7. Projects
  8. Biomaterials
  9. Reporters
  10. Array LIMS: Plates
  11. Array LIMS: Arrays
  12. Hybridizations
  13. Raw data
  14. Experiment and analysis
  15. General search interface
    External programs / user interfaces need to know what can be filtered on and what information can be retrieved.