Class BaseFileInfo.SpotSectionInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class BaseFileInfo.SpotSectionInfo extends Object
Keeps information about headers and more in a 'spot' section.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SpotSectionInfo

      public SpotSectionInfo()
      Creates a new object.
  • Method Details

    • getPositionIndex

      public int getPositionIndex()
      The index of the 'position' data column.
    • setPositionIndex

      public void setPositionIndex(int positionIndex)
      Set the column index of the 'position' data column.
    • getFirstAssayFieldIndex

      public int getFirstAssayFieldIndex()
      The index of the first data column that contains assay data.
    • setFirstAssayFieldIndex

      public void setFirstAssayFieldIndex(int firstAssayFieldIndex)
      Set the index of the first data column that contains assay data.
    • getAssayFields

      public List<String> getAssayFields()
      Get a list with all assay data fields, in the order they appear in the file.
    • setAssayFields

      public void setAssayFields(List<String> assayFields)
      Set the list of all assay data fields, in the order the appear in the file.
    • getAssays

      public List<Integer> getAssays()
      Get a list with the ID:s of all assays in the section, in the order they appear in the data columns.
    • setAssays

      public void setAssays(List<Integer> assays)
      Set a list with the ID:s of all assays, in the order the appearu in the data columns.
    • getSpotIntensityParser

      public SpotIntensityParser getSpotIntensityParser()
      Get the spot intensity parser that should be used for parsing spot intensities in this section.
    • setSpotIntensityParser

      public void setSpotIntensityParser(SpotIntensityParser spiParser)
      Set the spot intensity parser for the section.
    • getExtraFloatParsers

      public List<ExtraFloatParser> getExtraFloatParsers()
      Get the list of extra value parsers that exists for this section.
    • addExtraFloatParser

      public void addExtraFloatParser(ExtraFloatParser extraFloatParser)
      Add an extra value parser to this section.