Class BaseFileInfo.ChildBioAssay

Enclosing class:

public static class BaseFileInfo.ChildBioAssay extends Object
Keeps information about a new child bioassay from the 'assays' section or 'spot' sections.
  • Field Details

    • fileId

      private int fileId
    • name

      private String name
    • parents

      private Set<Integer> parents
    • child

      private BioAssay child
  • Constructor Details

    • ChildBioAssay

      public ChildBioAssay()
      Create a new object.
    • ChildBioAssay

      public ChildBioAssay(int fileId)
      Create a new object
  • Method Details

    • getFileId

      public int getFileId()
      Get the id of the child bioassay as it appears in the BASEfile. This is either the same as the id of a parent bioassay or an internal id only.
    • setFileId

      public void setFileId(int fileId)
      Set the id of the child bioassay as it appears in the BASEfile.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the name of the child bioassay. May return null if the BASEfile doesn't specify a name in which case the child will get the same name as it's parent.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Set the name of the child bioassay. If null, the child will be given the same name as it's parent.
    • getParents

      public Set<Integer> getParents()
      Get the parent assays of this child. If no parents has been specified, the parent assay is the one that has the same id as the file id.
    • setParents

      public void setParents(Set<Integer> parents)
      Set the parents for this child.
    • getChild

      public BioAssay getChild()
      Get the real child bioassay object once it has been created and scheduled for saving into the database.
      See Also:
    • setChild

      public void setChild(BioAssay child)
      Set the real child bioassay object.