Class XlsxToCsvUtil.SheetInfo

Enclosing class:

public class XlsxToCsvUtil.SheetInfo extends Object
Represents a single sheet in a workbook. Use it to get access to a CSV Input stream that is generated from the table data. It can also be used to get access to the actual underlying Cell element for reading data directly.
  • Field Details

    • sheet

      private final sheet
    • dataFormat

      private final dataFormat
    • formulaEval

      private final formulaEval
    • firstRow

      private final int firstRow
    • lastRow

      private final int lastRow
    • firstColumn

      private final int firstColumn
    • lastColumn

      private final int lastColumn
    • csvBytes

      private byte[] csvBytes
  • Constructor Details

    • SheetInfo

      SheetInfo( sheet)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the name of the sheet.
    • getFirstRow

      public int getFirstRow()
      Get the row number for the first row that contains data.
    • getLastRow

      public int getLastRow()
      Get the row number for the last row that contains data.
    • getFirstColumn

      public int getFirstColumn()
      Get the column number for the first column that contains data.
    • getLastColumn

      public int getLastColumn()
      Get the column number for the last column that contains data.
    • getCell

      public getCell(int row, int col)
      Get the cell at the specified row and column.
      A Cell instance or null
    • getCellValueAsString

      public String getCellValueAsString( cell)
      Get the the cell value as a string. Numeric cells are are checked if the seem to have a date-like format syntax (with or without time). If so, the value is formatted with the date or timestamp formatter, otherwise with the number formatter. If the required formatter has not been set, the value is formatted with the built-in formatter from Excel.
    • getCellValueAsNumber

      public Double getCellValueAsNumber( cell, NumberFormat parser, boolean nullIfException)
      Get the cell value as a number. If the cell is a numeric cell, the value is returned directly, otherwise the given parser is used to parse the string data from cell, via Type.parseString(String, NumberFormat, boolean)
    • getCellValueAsDate

      public Date getCellValueAsDate( cell, Formatter<Date> parser, boolean nullIfException)
      Get the cell value as a date. If the cell is a numeric cell, the value is returned directly as if it was a date (the style format string is NOT checked), otherwise the given parser is used to parse the string data from cell, via Type.parseString(String, Formatter, boolean)
    • evaluateFormula

      private XlsxToCsvUtil.CellTypeWithInfo evaluateFormula( cell)
    • parseToCsv

      public InputStream parseToCsv()
      Convert the sheet to a CSV and get an InputStream for reading the data. Note that the CSV will only contain data for the range of cells between firstRow, lastRow, firstColumn and lastColumn.
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Get the size of the CSV in bytes.
    • parseToBytes

      private void parseToBytes()