Class MetadataModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MetadataModel extends Object implements EventHandler
A model container of the contents of a BFS metadata file. This class is primarily intended to be used when parsing a BFS metadata file (see MetadataParser.parse(EventHandler)), but it can be used to programmatically create a BFS metadata file and then write it out to a file (see print(Writer)).

The model can contain multiple sections, each one with multiple entries. A section has a name, but it doesn't have to be unique. An entry is either a key/value pair or a key/array of values. There may be multiple entries with the same key in a section.

Last modified
$Date: 2015-04-20 11:08:18 +0200 (må, 20 apr 2015) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MetadataModel

      public MetadataModel()
      Create a new metadata model.
  • Method Details

    • handleEvent

      public void handleEvent(EventType eventType, Object eventData, BfsParser parser)
      Description copied from interface: EventHandler
      The method is called by the parser when it has found something interesting in a BFS file. See the respective parser documentation for documentation about the events that it generates. There is usually some kind of information associated with the event. This information is sent to the event handler as an object. The parser should document what kind of information it sends so that event handler implementation can react and use the information.

      It is recommended that event handlers ignore event types they don't know about.

      Specified by:
      handleEvent in interface EventHandler
      eventType - The type of event. See the parser documentation for more information about the event types it generates
      eventData - The data that is associated with the event
      parser - The parser that is resposible for parsing the file
    • print

      public void print(Writer out)
      Utility method for printing the contents of this model object to a stream.
      out - The output stream to write to
    • setSubtype

      public void setSubtype(String subtype)
      Set the subtype of the BFS.
    • getSubtype

      public String getSubtype()
      Get the BFS subtype.
    • getSectionCount

      public int getSectionCount()
      Get the number of sections.
    • addSection

      public MetadataModel.Section addSection(String name)
      Adds a new section to the model.
      name - The name of the section
      The new section
    • getSection

      public MetadataModel.Section getSection(int index)
      Get the section at a given index.
      index - The index, a value between 0 and getSectionCount()-1
      Information about the section
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If the index is outside the allowed range
    • getSection

      public MetadataModel.Section getSection(String name)
      Get the first section with a given name. If there are multiple sections with the same name, only the first is returned.
      name - The name of the section to find
      A section or null if no section exists
    • addFile

      public void addFile(String key, String name)
      Add an entry to the 'files' section.
      key - The entry key
      name - The filename (not verified)
    • getFileCount

      public int getFileCount()
      Get the number of entries in the 'files' section.
    • getFile

      public String getFile(int index)
      Get the file entry with a given index.
      index - The index, a value between 0 and getFileCount() - 1
      The file name
    • getFile

      public String getFile(String key)
      Get the file entry for a given key. If multiple entries with the same key exists, only the first is returned.
      key - The key to look for
      The file name of null if no entry exists for the given key
    • getValue

      public String getValue(String section, String key)
      Utility method for getting the value of the first entry in the first section that matches the given section and key name.
      section - The name of the section
      key - The key of the entry
      The value, or null if no section or entry is found
    • getValues

      public String[] getValues(String section, String key)
      Utility method for getting the values of the first entry in the first section that matches the given section and key name.
      section - The name of the section
      key - The key of the entry
      The values, or null if no section or entry is found