Class TransferRateProgressReporter

All Implemented Interfaces:
AbsoluteProgressReporter, ProgressReporter

public class TransferRateProgressReporter extends Object implements AbsoluteProgressReporter
A progress reporter implementation that has a "side-effect" that limits the transfer rate. The parent progress reporter is optional.
  • Field Details

    • parent

      private final AbsoluteProgressReporter parent
    • maxTicksPerSecond

      private final int maxTicksPerSecond
    • maxDelay

      private final int maxDelay
    • startTime

      private long startTime
  • Constructor Details

    • TransferRateProgressReporter

      public TransferRateProgressReporter(AbsoluteProgressReporter parent, int maxTicksPerSecond)
      Create a new progress reporter. Max delay per progress update is 8 seconds.
      parent - An optional parent progress reporter
      maxTicksPerSecond - Max allowed ticks-per-second, if the rate goes above this, the displayAbsolute(long, String) method will wait a short time before returning
    • TransferRateProgressReporter

      public TransferRateProgressReporter(AbsoluteProgressReporter parent, int maxTicksPerSecond, int maxDelay)
      Create a new progress reporter. Max delay per progress update is 8 seconds.
      parent - An optional parent progress reporter
      maxTicksPerSecond - Max allowed ticks-per-second, if the rate goes above this, the displayAbsolute(long, String) method will wait a short time before returning
      maxDelay - The max delay in milliseconds for each call to displayAbsolute(long, String)
  • Method Details

    • display

      public void display(int percent, String message)
      Forward the call to the parent if one exists. There is no rate control in this method.
      Specified by:
      display in interface ProgressReporter
      percent - How many percent of the task that is completed or -1 if not known
      message - A message, or null
    • append

      public void append(String message)
      Forward the call to the parent if one exists.
      Specified by:
      append in interface ProgressReporter
      message - The message
    • displayAbsolute

      public void displayAbsolute(long completed, String message)
      Forward the call to the parent if one exists. Then check the number of completed ticks and time since start against the max transfer rate. If the max rate has been exceeded pause the thread for a while.
      Specified by:
      displayAbsolute in interface AbsoluteProgressReporter
      completed - The progress of the task
      message - A message, or null