Class DbLogManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DbLogManager extends Object implements LogManager
Log manager implementation that logs changes to the database.
Last modified
$Date: 2013-11-22 10:36:49 +0100 (fr, 22 nov 2013) $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DbLogManager

      public DbLogManager(LogControl logControl)
  • Method Details

    • afterCommit

      public void afterCommit()
      Description copied from interface: LogManager
      Called after a successful commit of changes to the database. Note that this method is not called until after the changes have been written to the database and the connection has been closed. If the log manager wants to add information to the database, it must be done before this method is called.
      Specified by:
      afterCommit in interface LogManager
    • afterRollback

      public void afterRollback()
      Description copied from interface: LogManager
      Called after rollback. Note that this methd is not called until after the connection to the database has been closed, and that any information that the log manager has added to the database have also been rolled back.
      Specified by:
      afterRollback in interface LogManager
    • getLogControl

      public LogControl getLogControl()
      Description copied from interface: LogManager
      Get the log controller that is used in this transaction.
      Specified by:
      getLogControl in interface LogManager
    • logChangeDetails

      public void logChangeDetails(ChangeHistoryDetailData changeDetails, EntityDetails entityDetails)
      Log the given details to the database. The ChangeHistoryDetailData.setChangeHistory(ChangeHistoryData) is automatically populated (and saved if needed) with information from the current transaction.
    • logChangeDetails

      public void logChangeDetails(Collection<ChangeHistoryDetailData> changeDetails, EntityDetails entityDetails)
      Log the given details to the database. The ChangeHistoryDetailData.setChangeHistory(ChangeHistoryData) is automatically populated (and saved if needed) with information from the current transaction.
    • createHistory

      private void createHistory()