Class AuthenticatedUser


public class AuthenticatedUser extends Object
Objects of this class are returned by the AuthenticationManager.authenticate() method and contains information about the authenticated user. This class provide information about the login and/or external id for the user as well as the AuthenticationMethod that was used. Additional information for the user may be provided by ExtraUserInformation.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AuthenticatedUser

      public AuthenticatedUser(AuthenticationMethod method, String login, String externalId)
      Creates a new AuthenticatedUser object without any link to an existing user in BASE.
      method - The authentication method used to verify the user
      login - The login name
      externalId - The unique externalId of the user
    • AuthenticatedUser

      public AuthenticatedUser(AuthenticationMethod method, UserData user)
      Creates a new AuthenticatedUser object with a link to an existing user in BASE.
      method - The authentication method used to verify the user
      user - The UserData object for an existing user
  • Method Details

    • getAuthenticationMethod

      public AuthenticationMethod getAuthenticationMethod()
      Get the authentication method that was used to verify the login.
    • getLogin

      public String getLogin()
      Get the login string for the user.
    • getExternalId

      public String getExternalId()
      Get the external id for the user.
    • getInternalId

      public int getInternalId()
      Get the internal id for the user (0 if not known)
    • hasExtraInformation

      public boolean hasExtraInformation()
      Check if extra information about the user has been provided.
    • getExtraInformation

      public ExtraUserInformation getExtraInformation()
      Get extra information about the user.
    • setExtraInformation

      public void setExtraInformation(ExtraUserInformation extraInfo)
      Set extra information about the user.