Class NumberOutOfRangeException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NumberOutOfRangeException extends InvalidDataException
This exception is thrown when an item's field or a parameter that only accepts numeric values within a certain range are passed a value outside that range.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException()
      Create a new NumberOutOfRangeException object.
    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException(String msg)
    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException(String field, long theValue, long minOrMaxValue, boolean tooBig)
      Create a new NumberOutOfRangeException object when the parameter is less than a minimum or greater than a maximum value.
      field - The name of the field or parameter that is invalid
      theValue - The value that is invalid
      minOrMaxValue - The minimum or maximum allowed value
      tooBig - TRUE if the value is greater than the maximum allowed, FALSE if it is less than the minumum allowed
    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException(String field, long theValue, long minValue, long maxValue)
      Create a new NumberOutOfRangeException object when the parameter is outside both a minimum and a maximum allowed value.
      field - The name of the field or parameter that is outside the range
      theValue - The value that is outside the range
      minValue - The minimum allowed value of the number
      maxValue - The maximum allowed value of the number
    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException(String field, double theValue, double minOrMaxValue, boolean tooBig)
      Create a new NumberOutOfRangeException object when the parameter is less than a minimum or greater than a maximum value.
      field - The name of the field or parameter that is invalid
      theValue - The value that is invalid
      minOrMaxValue - The minimum or maximum allowed value
      tooBig - TRUE if the value is greater than the maximum allowed, FALSE if it is less than the minumum allowed
    • NumberOutOfRangeException

      public NumberOutOfRangeException(String field, double theValue, double minValue, double maxValue)
      Create a new NumberOutOfRangeException object when the parameter is outside both a minimum and a maximum allowed value.
      field - The name of the field or parameter that is outside the range
      theValue - The value that is outside the range
      minValue - The minimum allowed value of the number
      maxValue - The maximum allowed value of the number