Package net.sf.basedb.clients.web.formatter

package net.sf.basedb.clients.web.formatter
  • Classes
    Formatter implementation designed for exporting that generates output with best supported method depending on their type.
    Formatter implementation that generates a HTML output trying to link items with best supported method depending on their type.
    Formatter that adds a small colored box next to a value.
    Formatter implementation for file sets that lists all member files of a given file type
    Formatter for extended property values.
    Factory class for creating formatters for various data types.
    This is autility class for getting and setting formatter-related settings for the logged in user.
    Formatter implementation that generates a HTML output linking a file item.
    Formatter implementation that generates a HTML output linking a nameable item.
    Nicely format a string for output on a web page.
    Format a string for output on a web page.