Class FixedSkinActionFactory.MySkinAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicActionAttributes, SkinAction, Action
Enclosing class:

static class FixedSkinActionFactory.MySkinAction extends Object implements SkinAction, DynamicActionAttributes
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: SkinAction
      Get the ID of the extension. Optional, but required to generate a <div> tag with dynamic attributes (if the actions implements the DynamicActionAttributes interface).
      Specified by:
      getId in interface SkinAction
    • getFavicon

      public String getFavicon()
      Description copied from interface: SkinAction
      Get the full path to a favicon for the BASE site.
      Specified by:
      getFavicon in interface SkinAction
    • remapImages

      public void remapImages(ImageRemapper mapper)
      Description copied from interface: SkinAction
      Remap images to another location. Use, String) to re-map an image from a source location to a destination location. Note that this method is not called on every use of the skin, but only after something has changed due to installation/uninstallation or enabling/disabled skins. The re-mapped images are then cached.
      Specified by:
      remapImages in interface SkinAction
    • getDynamicActionAttributes

      public Iterator<DynamicActionAttribute> getDynamicActionAttributes()
      Description copied from interface: DynamicActionAttributes
      Get an iterator that return all dynamic attributes. If no dynamic attributes have been defined, the method may return null or an iterator that doesn't return any elements.
      Specified by:
      getDynamicActionAttributes in interface DynamicActionAttributes
      An iterator or null