Ticket #970: norm.export.xml

File norm.export.xml, 4.4 KB (added by base, 16 years ago)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE configfile SYSTEM "plugin-configuration-file.dtd"><configfile>
3 <configuration pluginClassName="se.uu.lcb.plugins.PluginExecuter">
4 <configname>Normalization: Within arrays</configname>
5 <description>This plug-in normalizes log-ratios for each array individually by various methods for averaging log-ratios to zero within each array or sub-array. The print-tip version of this normalization, which is a local fitting of the regression line, is usually preferred since it corrects for both spatial effects and dye biases. All available methods are listed below:&#xD;
6- Median: The median log-ratio is centered on zero.&#xD;
7- Loess: All intensities on the array are fitted to a regression line, so that dye biases are removed. Yang et al (2001, 2002)&#xD;
8- Print-tip loess: Loess normalization is perfromed within each sub array, so that both spatial effects and dye biases are removed. Yang et al (2001, 2002)&#xD;
9- Composite: This method is not yet operational.&#xD;
10- Robust spline: Robustly fitted regression splines and empirical Bayes shrinkage.</description>
11 <parameter>
12 <name>leaveStdin</name>
13 <label>Leave stdin.txt</label>
14 <description>If the file stdin.txt should be removed after the plug-in execution or not</description>
15 <class>java.lang.Boolean</class>
16 <value>false</value>
17 </parameter>
18 <parameter>
19 <name>leaveStdout</name>
20 <label>Leave stdout.txt</label>
21 <description>If the file stdout.txt should be removed after the plug-in execution or not</description>
22 <class>java.lang.Boolean</class>
23 <value>false</value>
24 </parameter>
25 <parameter>
26 <name>parameters</name>
27 <label>Job parameters</label>
28 <description>Job parameters</description>
29 <class>java.lang.String</class>
30 <value>fname\thidden\tnormalization.R\tfname</value>
31 <value>norm.method\tenum\tprinttiploess;printtiploess|loess;loess|median;median|composite;composite|robustspline;robustspline\tNormalization method</value>
32 <value>smooth.param\tfloat\t0.3\tProp. size of local regression moving window</value>
33 <value>specifyLayout\tbool\ttrue\tSpecify array layout dimensions?</value>
34 <value>ngrid.r.in\tint\t0\tGrid rows per slide</value>
35 <value>ngrid.c.in\tint\t0\tGrid columns per slide</value>
36 <value>nspot.r.in\tint\t0\tSpot rows per print-tip group</value>
37 <value>nspot.c.in\tint\t0\tSpot columns per print-tip group</value>
38 <value>use.weights\tbool\tfalse\tAssociate quality weights with flag values?</value>
39 <value>weight.0\tfloat\t\tFlag values with weight 0</value>
40 <value>weight.25\tfloat\t\tFlag values with weight 0.25</value>
41 <value>weight.5\tfloat\tNA\tFlag values with weight 0.5</value>
42 <value>weight.75\tfloat\tNA\tFlag values with weight 0.75</value>
43 <value>debug.level\thidden\t0\tdebug.level</value>
44 </parameter>
45 <parameter>
46 <name>usedFields</name>
47 <label>Spot fields</label>
48 <description>Spot fields</description>
49 <class>java.lang.String</class>
50 <value>intensity1</value>
51 <value>intensity2</value>
52 <value>raw.flags</value>
53 </parameter>
54 <parameter>
55 <name>displayAssayOrder</name>
56 <label>Display assay order</label>
57 <description>Display assay order</description>
58 <class>java.lang.Boolean</class>
59 <value>false</value>
60 </parameter>
61 <parameter>
62 <name>executablePath</name>
63 <label>Path to executable</label>
64 <description>Path to executable file</description>
65 <class>java.lang.String</class>
66 <value>/Sites/plugins/base1/bin</value>
67 </parameter>
68 <parameter>
69 <name>isOneChannel</name>
70 <label>One channel data</label>
71 <description>One channel data</description>
72 <class>java.lang.Boolean</class>
73 <value>false</value>
74 </parameter>
75 <parameter>
76 <name>usedColumns</name>
77 <label>Reporter columns</label>
78 <description>Reporter columns</description>
79 <class>java.lang.String</class>
80 <value>rep.position</value>
81 <value>rep.id</value>
82 </parameter>
83 <parameter>
84 <name>execName</name>
85 <label>Name of executable</label>
86 <description>Name of executable</description>
87 <class>java.lang.String</class>
88 <value>R2.pl</value>
89 </parameter>
90 </configuration>