--- The BioRobotics 'TAM' format explained (an asterisk denotes an explanation rather than a component of the file format): [FileInformation] FileFormat=,1.0 *Version number of the file format FormatName=,TAM *File format extension GeneratedBy=,TAS2.1.5.16 *Arrayer software and version BlockCount=,4 *Number of meta-grids SpotSize=,180 *Estimated mean spot diameter [Block1] *Sub-grid being examined MetaGridX=,1 *Meta-grid X-axis co-ordinate MetaGridY=,1 *Meta-grid Y-axis co-ordinate OriginX=,9000 *Distance from top left edge of slide to centre of top left spot OriginY=,35300 *Distance from top left edge of slide to centre of top left spot BlockSizeX=,4 *Number of spots in each row BlockSizeY=,4 *Number of spots in each column SpacingX=,400 *X-axis centre-to-centre spot spacing SpacingY=,400 *X-axis centre-to-centre spot spacing *Information is repeated for each sub-grid on the slide [mapping] *'comma separated value' spreadsheet that maps clones to wells 1,1,1,1,,1,9,4,"FC1269","1036",1, {},FC1269,1036,TST101,I,4 1,1,1,2,,1,1,4,"FC1237","1004",1, {},FC1237,1004,TST101,A,4 1,1,1,3,,1,9,2,"FC1267","1034",1, {},FC1267,1034,TST101,I,2 1,1,1,4,,1,1,2,"FC1235","1002",1, {},FC1235,1002,TST101,A,2 1,1,2,1,,1,11,4,"FC1277","1044",1, {},FC1277,1044,TST101,K,4 *Spreadsheet abbreviated for brevity. *Each row of data relates to each spot on the microarray. *Origin is top left of slide for all measurements. *Column 01: Meta-grid X-axis co-ordinate *Column 02: Meta-grid Y-axis co-ordinate *Column 03: Sub-grid Y-axis co-ordinate *Column 04: Sub-grid X-axis co-ordinate *Column 05: Plate Barcode *Column 06: Plate Number *Column 07: Row Number *Column 08: Column Number *Column 09: Sample Name *Column 10: Sample ID *Column 11: Block number *Column 12: Termination of additional fields *Column 13 to End: Source data from the operator (See Example Array Input File) ---