Chapter 8. Jobs

A job is a task that is performed by a plug-in. Some jobs can be configured to execute immediately (for a few plug-ins it is mandatory that the job runs immediately), but normally jobs are placed in the job queue after they have been configured. The jobs will then be picked out for execution depending on their priority and waiting time in the queue.

Creating and configuring a job is made from a context, eg. a particular list page or singe-item page, which is supported by the plug-in you want to use. If no context is needed, the job configuration is started from the plug-in's single item view. Typically, there are three main types of jobs, import, export and other jobs. They usually show up as Import, Export and Run plug-in buttons in the gui. In the experiment analysis section two more types of plug-ins are used, intensity and analysis.

Click on ViewJobs to list your jobs. Details of a single job is displayed in a pop-up window. This window opens either if you click on a job's name from the list page of jobs or when a job configuration is finished. The window contain two tabs, one with information about the job and another with the parameters for the plug-in used in the job.

The values listed on the Parameters tab depends on what the plug-in needs from the user. If a specific plug-in configuration was used, those parameters are also listed here.

Figure 8.1. Job properties

Job properties

The properties are set either when configuring the job or by the system. No parameters can be edit after a job is created.


The name of the job is set in the last step of a job configuration.


The plug-in to use in the job.


Name of the plug-in configuration that is used.


The user who created/configured the job.


Name of the experiment which the job was configured within.


A description of the job. Like the name-property it can be set in the job configuration.


Priority the job has in the job queue.


Shows the status of the job. A job can have one of following status.

  • Not configured - The plug-in has not been configured properly and is not placed in the job queue.

  • Waiting - The job is waiting in the job queue.

  • Preparing - The job queue is preparing to executed the job.

  • Executing - The job is being executed.

  • Paused - The job has been paused. The user may restart or resume the job.

  • Done - Indicates that the job has finished successfully.

  • Error - The job has finsished with an error.

  • Aborting - The job has received an abort signal from the user and tries to abort the work.

This field will also display any messages from the plug-in while it is running and the final message after it's completion.

Percent complete

Progress of the job. How detailed this is depends on how often the plug-in reports it's progress.


Date and time when the job was created and registered in the database.


Date and time when the job was added to the job queue. This is usually the same as the created date and time, but can be different if the job has been restared after an error.


Date and time when execution of the job started.


Date and time when the job stopped running. Either because it was finished, aborted or interrupted by an error.

Running time

Time the job has been running.


Name of the server, where the job was performed.

Job agent

The job agent the job is/was running on. It is also possible to set this value before a job is executed. If that has been done only the selected job agent will accept the job. This options is normally only given to powers users and needs the Select job agent permission. See Section 23.3.2, “Edit role”.

Depending on the status of the job, there may also be one or more buttons on the form.


Pauses a job that is running. This feature requires special support by the plug-in and is not available for all types of jobs. A paused job may be restarted from the beginning or resumed from the latest checkpoint.


Aborts a job that is running or hasn't started yet. Jobs that hasn't started can always be aborted. Jobs that are already executing can only be aborted if the plug-in supports it. The button will not be visible if the plug-in doesn't supports being aborted.

Restart job

Retry a failed or paused job with the same parameters. Sometimes the reason that a job failed can be fixed. For example, by changing the permissions on items the job needs to access. A paused job can typically be restarted from the beginning or resumed from the latest checkpoint. Use this button to place the job in the job queue again. It is not possible to change job parameters with one exception, if the job uses a plug-in configuration and the configuration has been changed it is possible to select if the old or new configuration values should be used.

Re-configure job

Retry a failed or paused job with different parameters. This feature is supported by most but not all plug-ins. It is very useful when the failure is due to a misconfiguration and the job may succeed if it was configured differently. A paused job can be restarted from the beginning or resumed from the latest checkpoint, but note that changing the parameters may cause the latest checkpoint to become invalid and requires a restart from the beginning.

Really run

Some plug-ins have support for a dry-run mode that executes the job but doesn't save any changes to the database. If the dry run completes successfully, this button can be used to run the job for real.


Close the window.