Files and directories

NOTE! This document is outdated and has been replaced with newer documentation. See The database schema and the Data Layer API

This document covers the implementation details of files and directories in BASE.

See also

Last updated: $Date: 2009-04-06 14:52:39 +0200 (må, 06 apr 2009) $


The DirectoryData class stores information about directories. A directory may have a parent directory which is referenced by the parent property. The only directory that is allowed to have no parent is the system defined root directory. All other files must have a parent.


The FileData class stores information about directories. The property action tells if the file should be moved or brought back from secondary storage. The actual moving of the file is done by an external program. The mime-type of the file has no connection to the class MimeTypeData.


The FileTypeData class holds information about file types. It is used only to make it easier for users to organise their files.


This class is used to register mime types and map them to file extensions. The information is only used to lookup values when needed. Given the filename we can set the File.mimeType and File.fileType properties. The extension of a mime type must be unique. Extensions should be registered without a dot, ie html, not .html.