The Public API is intended to be used by client application or plug-in developers. We guarantee a certain degree of stability among the classes and methods in the public API. See documentation on the BASE web site for more information. Methods that have been tagged as @deprecated should be considered part of the internal API and may be removed without warning in a later release.

The Extension API is intended to be used by developers extending the internal BASE functionality. The classes and interfaces in these packages are not intended to be used by plug-ins or client applications.

The Internal API contains code used by the internal implementation of BASE. Client applications and plug-ins should not use the classes and methods in theese packages.

The Mixed Public and Internal API packages contains some classes that belong to the Public API and some classes that belong to the Internal API.

  • In the BatchableData interface and all classes that implements it part of the public API.
  • The net.sf.basedb.clients.web.util.HTML is part of the public API.
  • The net.sf.basedb.clients.web.Base and net.sf.basedb.clients.web.WebException are part of the public API.

All other classes in are part of the internal API.

This package contains classes for handling file uploads from a browser using the standard described in RFC1867.
This package is a taglib that can be used on JSP pages to build a simple drop-down menu system with unlimited levels.
This package contains the core business logic of BASE.
This package contains pure data-holder classes which are mapped to the database using Hibernate.
This package contains helper classes for the Keyring class.
This package contains the core of the Query API.
This package contains some useful utility classes and methods.