22.3. Job agents

Job agents are used for executing plug-ins on external computers. Using job agents will free up resources on the BASE application server, and allow the server to concentrate on serving web pages. Job agents are optional and must be installed separately. See Section 21.2, “Installing job agents” for more information about setting up job agents. This section assumes that at least one job agent is setup to serve your BASE installation.

A job agent will not execute a plug-in unless the administrator has configured the job agent to do so. This can be done either from the plug-in pages or from the job agent pages. To register a plug-in with one or more job agents from the plug-in pages, go to the edit view of the plug-in and select the Job agents tab. To do the same from the job agent pages, go to the edit view of the job agent and select the Plugins tab. The registration dialogs are very similar but only the plug-in side of registration is described here, the job agent route is described in Section 21.2, “Installing job agents”.

Figure 22.5. Select job agents for a plug-in

Select job agents for a plug-in

Use this tab to specify which job agents the plug-in is installed and allowed to be executed on.

Run this plugin on

You may select if the internal job queue should execute the plug-in or not.

Job agents

A list with the job agents where the plug-in is installed and allowed to be executed. Select a plug-in in this list to display more configuration options for the plug-in.

Add job agents

Use this button to open a pop-up window for selecting job agents.


Remove the selected plug-in from the list.

The following properties are only displayed when a job agent has been selected in the list. Each job agent may have it's own settings of these properties. If you leave the values unspecified the job agent will use the default values specified on the Plugin tab.

Jar path

The path on the external server to the JAR file containing the plug-in code. If not specified the same path as on the web server is used.

Max memory

The maximum amount of memory the plug-in is allowed to use. Add around 40MB for the Java run-time environment and BASE. If not specified Java will choose it's default value which is 64MB.


If the plug-in should be executed in a protected or unprotected environment. Currently, BASE only supports running plug-ins in an unprotected environment.

Priority boost

Used to give a plug-in higher priority in the queue. Values between 0 and 10 are allowed. A higher value will give the plug-in higher priority. The priority boost is useful if we, for example, want to use one server mainly for importing data. By giving all import plugins a priority boost they will be executed before all other jobs, which will have to wait until there are no more waiting imports.